Stretch & Recovery Tools for Fitness and Wellness Professionals

The Oringal and First of its kind -

Stretch Flow Recovery Systems was created to flow seamlessly into your current skillset, services, and business. After thousands of hours in the trenches, Stretch Flow was created in 2018 to help fellow Fitness and Wellness professional.

We have recognized the importance of recovery for our clients. We have cut through all the noise to provide you with the most effective, timesaving stretch and recovery techniques.

Solve more problems, serve more people, and retain more clients all while adding an all-new revenue flow.

Our relationship with Stretch to Win®, creators of Fascial Stretch Therapy, allows us to teach a table-based assisted stretching routine designed specifically for fitness professionals.

Our Mission:

To educate and equip fitness and wellness professionals with the hands-on skills and knowledge of how to preform and implement stretch and recovery techniques into their toolbox and existing business. Building positive and beneficial value for client, as well as helping to build culture, retention and instance increase in revenue. All helping loosen the stress of chasing new clients and continuously chasing new revenue.